System Shock
System Shock is a multiplayer-versus party game in which each player tries to keep their robot safe from rounds of rapidly changing electric floor patterns. The game uses a 2.5D third-person perspective with 2D robot sprites in a 3D square arena broken up into rows and columns of tiles. In each round, players use either the keyboard or controller of choice to try to move their robots to safe, non-electrocuted tiles until only one robot is left unshocked. Players can set the game to end and declare a winner once one player gets shocked, or can set the game to Survivor Mode where the game continues until both players are shocked.
- Two player local multiplayer
- Keyboard and controller support
- Increasing difficulty as the game goes on
- A unique powerup which allows players to change the playfield and interact with each other either aggressively or defensively
Gameplay Instructions
- In the main menu, select the input methods for both players using the dropdown, and toggle Survivor Mode if desired. Ensure that only one player is set to use the keyboard.
- In game, use the game controls to avoid the shock tiles for as many rounds as possible. You can tell which tiles will be shocked during the shock phase by looking at the generators for rows and columns of dangerous tiles, as well as the particles on the tiles themselves later into the round.
- When available and safe, stay on the powerup tiles during the shock phase of a round to gain a powerup charge to use later. This can be used to shock a tile of your choice that you can safely stand on during the next round's shock phase. Tiles affected by powerups will be marked with special particles in the pre-shock phase.
- Keyboard: WASD to move, Spacebar to use powerup charge
- Xbox Controller: Left Joystick to move, A Button to use powerup charge
- PS4 Controller: Left Joystick to move, Square Button to use powerup charge
This game was made for Project 1 in GDD210 by Michael Merritt and Amari O'Connor. The code can be found at https://github.com/mikepmerritt/System-Shock, and the Trello board for the project can be found at https://trello.com/b/kqVWUJAs/system-shock.